
Business Planning & Set-Up

Company Vision / Mission

Clarifying and defining your company’s vision and mission statement.

Legal Structure

Future-proofing the business with a legal structure to support future plans and meet Companies Act obligations.


Setting goals, planning personal growth and business development.

Planning strategic initiatives for growth, big or small.

Growth Strategies

SWOT Analysis

Determining your business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. In the case of established businesses this particularly includes the exploration of new products and diversification opportunities.

Analyzing competitors, identifying your key selling proposition and competitive advantage(s), developing, leveraging and sustaining those. A key component of marketing.

Competitive Advantage

Setting realistic and measurable targets, systems for measuring performance, and bench-marking against relevant industry best practice.


Developing action plans across different areas of the business to achieve your goals and target covering all the vital areas of your business – Human Resources, Sales & Marketing, Production & Distribution, Finance, Strategy, Business Systems and Innovation.

Operational & Action Plans

Ensuring a framework for prioritizing timely completion of everyone’s work, short-term goal setting and delegating.

Time Management


We might be reviewing and fine-tuning, or completely overhauling. We might be working solely with you, or training some of your staff. If there’s one thing we know it’s that every business is unique. The best way to determine how we can help is for us to chat over the phone or in person, so please feel free to contact us to talk more.